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Why use a spray rendering machine


Spraying Render is a growing trend in the UK. For over 30 years now we have been supplying rendering machines to a range of plasterers, renders and contractors. So we thought we would write a little piece on the advantage of using a rendering machine over traditional methods and what machines can help you on your next job…

The main advantage to using a rendering machine is the time you save applying the render to the walls. Using a machine can double your productivity compared to the traditional method of Hawk and Trowel. As we all know time is money so time that is saved in getting the gear on the wall can be used on other jobs hence increasing your productivity and making you more money.

However it’s not just time you can save when using a rendering machine, you can also reduce strain on your body. Using a render machine to spray render can significantly improve the way you feel at the end of the day. With the government now not letting us retire until we’re 70 years old a rendering machine can keep you working to 70 and beyond.

Looking to try a rendering machine?

We’ve been inventing and selling rendering machines for over 16 years now. We would be happy to help you in making a decision as to what rendering machine you are looking to hire or buy. Please find some helpful links to tupoplastering.com

Purchasing a Rendering Machine - Click Here

Rendering Machine Hire - Click Here

If you would rather speak to one of our helpful team please send your email to sales@tupomachinery.com


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